Tuesday, June 7, 2011

070611, Tuesday, smoke flavored rainwater

Today was a bit of a miserable weather day, although not really cold.  Just a bit of rain every now and then, sometimes harder than others.  At some point the ocean all of a sudden became really loud, I thought a tsunami might be coming.  But, seems safe still.  Also, no further problems with leaking at this stage.  There hasn’t been another hard session like the last disastrous time…

I put out a couple of containers to catch some of the rainwater running down from my tent, a jug filled halfway in about 10 minutes.  I thought it would be a real treat to drink some of that.  The water from the tap here has been very strange lately.  It looks more like milk and has a bit of a peculiar taste.  Anyway, so I poured me a cup of that rainwater and it tasted good.  But then the aftertaste came and it was mightily smoky!  Of course they were making a fire close by earlier, and when the rain came it got put out, but not without blowing that smoke all over the place and into anything that would suck up it’s flavor… sort of interesting

I almost didn’t know what to do this morning, with the weather so bad, couldn’t finish the washing, just put up a temporary line inside the tent for the half-dry washing to hang…

I finally got around to doing some planting!  I got one of the workers here to drill me some holes in my one biggish washing tub, filled it with good soil (from the moles’ heaps around the place!)  and planted my little swiss chard seeds.  Now I’ll be waiting in anticipation for the little baby chards to stick out their heads…

I also bought another smaller tub for R16 and planted some mixed herb seeds as well as 3 recycled tins in which I planted a baby leaf lettuce mix and some chilli seeds.  I’ve never before in my life planted anything, so I really hope I did it all the right way and that it’ll grow like Jack’s beanstalk… 

I’m really excited about the potential and want to do another container of some sort to plant cherry tomatoes.  There are actually some cherry tomatoes growing wild on the lawn here, so I want to replant a couple. I love cherry tomatoes.  I also love brinjals (eggplant) and baby marrows, so eventually I’ll get to that too. 

I was feeling almost a little bit down today for some reason (maybe the weather…)but after my supper of brinjal, baby marrow, chilli, garlic and cherry tomatoes I feel super happy again!  Really would be awesome to eat the fruits of my own labour some day…guess it’ll be a while.

Only spent a short time with Thobile today, although it was most rewarding!  I gave him some simple reading to do and I suppose he is really dyslexic after all, cause he kept on reading is as si and got totally confused with it.  Luckily I have this amazing second hand (randomly picked it up in Cape town for R1) “Learn to read and spell” simple phonic book, Bad fat cat!  Pam has a cat.  The cat is fat.

We basically did the first page for reading practice – it’s the same stuff he’s been practising his writing on.  It has a couple of simple sentences, repeating a lot of the words.  He started super slowly, but later after much repetition, he got faster and faster and faster!  It was so cool to see.  He’s got some drive. I must say I really love teaching him.  Could probably do that for (part of) a living!  In the end he shook my hand and thanked me so much, he was as excited as me about the progress he felt he was making!

The other guys didn’t come today, because of the weather I suppose.  Only Ninti, Thobile’s elder brother was there for a while and we basically figured out that we have to start with the alphabet with him. His English is practically non-existent.

I’m looking forward to my friend Milli, from my tefl school in Cape Town, coming to visit at the end of the month… I think she’ll definitely be able to help me a whole lot with these kids!

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