Monday, May 16, 2011

160511, Montessori day

Monday, week 2.  I went to Dawn’s little Montessorri school this morning. There were about 10 little ones from about 2 –5 years old. It was nice, they learn a lot there.  These are definitely the more privileged kids of the area.  I realized quickly that I am not trained in the Montessori method and I think it’s good, but I don’t necessarily agree with everything. 

 I’m trying to figure out how exactly I’m going to spend each day here: Fridays and Saturdays are for Axium, Sunday is definitely a rest day, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons I’ll work with 3 teenagers with reading problems.  In between I’ll spend a lot of time doing admin – preparing for English classes, emails checking and answering, writing the blog and diary, taking photos, processing photos-(what’s happening here + landscape/ stock-library), try to study Xhosa and whatever happens in between.  Perhaps for now I won’t commit to too much else, except maybe for spending extra time with some of the little ones who don’t have afternoon care.

 I had such a good experience today, I was supposed to meet Dawn and the 3 boys I have to teach, when the meeting was cancelled.  I was happy to see Josh (the boy from the Coffee Shack’s people), Nobusnooks (Probably not the right spelling) and her tiny brother Asefika playing around.  I met them today at Dawn’s school.  Asefiki and Josh are also like best buddies.  I found out that Asefiki and Snooks’ mother work at the bacpackers just across the road and that the kids hang around on their own till they get bored and go home when it’s probably dark already.  I felt kind of sorry for them, cause they are so small and I think they are just craving for love.  Snooks was also really tired at school today- at one stage she just lay down on the grass for a nap. 

 They wanted me to tell them a story, so I came home and got them The Lion King and the only Xhosa storybook I have.  Snooks really enjoyed it, Fiki was falling asleep on my lap and Josh wandered off on his plastic black motorbike.

I’m thankful for the Xhosa book, cause one of the ladies came past and helped me a bit. I think if I try to read a bit every day, I’ll learn a lot.  Anyway, it was getting dark and drops were starting to fall, so I walked the two little ones home and pray they get some food and have a warm place to sleep.

 So, I can’t help wondering if this is something I should start around here, like an afternoon care centre, with a friendly atmosphere, warmth and food and love and a place where the children could safely take a nap if they wanted to.  Wish I can find a place to do that here, that is also close to their homes, but not so loud as the backpackers…We’ll see, with God nothing is impossible hey!

 I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned before, but I’m very excited at the moment!!!  On Saturday I found a beautiful spot for my caravan and not too expensive!  A little bit away from the hub of Coffee Bay where I’m right now…(I’ll miss the vibe around here, but I reckon it will also be good for my soul to have some more space to myself)

 And the second good news is that my good friends and brothers Donovan and Kenneth are going to actually bring my caravan to me all the way!!!!!  God is GREAT!!!

Thank you my good friends.  May you be blessed!!

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