Sunday, November 20, 2011

20112011, Crazy date!

Well Friday was one of those unexpected and unplanned for days of, let’s call it ‘fun’.  In the morning I was able to get petrol (first time since a week ago!), which in turn enabled to drive to the shop (20km outside Coffee Bay)  to draw money and get gas!!  Yes, that’s right, gas problem seems to be of the past now!

Anyway, I had to go back to the school to copy some exam papers and when I was finished and on my way home, I was stopped in my tracks at the bridge.  It was flooded completely and no ways my car was going to make it over that…  (It had been raining for a few days straight)

So what could I do?  I went straight to the Backpacker side.  Bought some tjips at the River store and met up with a little Asefika looking not so happy and in one of his ‘not talking’ moods.  So I offered to share my tjips with him, which he couldn’t resist of course.  After a while he was laughing and talking again.  He hasn’t been going to school for a while now and I asked him what he would like to be doing so he said he wants to come with me.  Actually I also like that idea.

After the tjips we went to visit baby Seza and Snooks also arrived shortly.  Had a glorious time with the kids and eventually ended up checking out a little drum circle and all the kids were dancing around like the fairies they are. 

Later we got a bit peckish and I remembered I had some bananas and a fresh bread from earlier, still in my boot.  So me and Asefika and Snooks had a little late lunch of banana sandwiches, which was in it’s own a fun experience, cause everyone had to slice their own bread and bananas and we made a royal mess in Bomvu’s eating area.

I spent a bit of time with Sarah, doing some experiments with my hair, which is getting a little out of hand…Mmmm we’ll have to wait and see how that works out…

The rest of the evening I was forced to join the party and dance the night away, poor me– there was no ways I was getting over that bridge and safe to my warm bed…but no fears, cause many good people around to offer me a bed on that side.  And it was another good night in Coffee Bay.  Met a lot of people, locals and backpackers and went to sleep a little late.

In the end I stayed in one of Jah Drum’s snazzy new tents, thanks guys for your hospitality!!   And I have to say your new bathrooms are pretty awesome too!  If anyone is still looking for a place to stay in Coffee Bay in December, try the tents at Jah Drums…Sleeps 2 I don’t think they’ve advertised yet, you may be lucky.  Not sure how you’re going to get a hold of them though…

Yesterday was a day for relaxing and catching up on lost sleep, the weather outside was still miserable. Only Aphiwe came around to draw some pictures and read a bit.

Today I went to the headman again to talk about some land complications, I pray we'll have it all sorted out tomorrow! 

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