Wednesday, October 12, 2011

121011, Wednesday,the joys of walking

Since there was no petrol from Friday until yesterday afternoon, I walked to school in the morning and have decided that I’ll be doing that every day now, it just means getting up 15 minutes earlier in the morning.  So now my alarm is set for 5:45am.  It also means that I’m ready to fall asleep even before 9 in the evening…  There are children in my classes who get up at 4:30 every morning and I’m sure some even earlier.  That’s a little bit too close to midnight for me…

I normally pass a lot of kids on their way to school.  There is this one particular bunch of kids who find it very amusing when I overtake them at a pace about 3 times faster than their own speed.

About half of them would try to keep up with me and walk really fast for a couple of meters behind me, swinging their arms wildly, before giving up with lots of laughter.  They find it most hilarious.  I’m hoping to inspire all of them to start walking faster in general.  Most people around here always walk super slow.  It might have something to do with the distance they have to walk every day… Haven’t figured it out yet.

I’m having terrible cravings for a braai tonight… 

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