Sunday, July 3, 2011

030711, Sunday rest day

Slept late today, really enjoyed the morning sun shining through the window.  It’s slightly windy so I don’t really feeling like going outside too much.  Just having a really relaxing Sunday.  Milli’s sitting outside reading her Stieg Larsson. 

Made a nice fire yesterday and braaied some tjops and wors from Umthatha, let’s call it my monthly meat intake.  I haven’t made too many fires myself yet, but that was quite a good one, just charred the braaibroodjies a little bit on the one side but nothing serious. 

Friday turned out to be a nice and interesting day.  Just wanted to take Milli around a little bit to get a feel for her surroundings, so we took the shortcut, scenic route via the beach and river to get to the other side.  There weren’t many beading ladies and it seems that Snooks and Asefika have gone somewhere for the holiday time.  Not sure when they’ll be back. 

We had to drop off some medicine for the owner of ‘Raptor’s view’ (a place with a superbly amazing view over some hills stretching into the ocean, some kilometers outside Cofee Bay, “Hole in the wall” direction ….really to be recommended for a visit!).  So we went to the three guys, Jurgen, Kobus and Troy, at Gogo’s place (where I stayed for the 1st 2 weeks- they are currently setting up a bit of a fish&chips restaurant there).  They made us some coffee and said we could come with in the bakkie to go visit ‘Raptor’s’.  It was a splendid idea.  We gave a lift to some other kids (a lot of them dressed in red- a great color to wear in the Transkei, it juxtaposes nicely with the green hills) on their way into that direction and enjoyed the wonderful views along the way.  Some of the road runs very closely along the cliffs that drop off into the ocean.  Very much like the cliffs in Ireland.

At ‘Raptor’s’ we were warmly received by Spud and his wife Delene and made to feel very welcome on their deck enjoying the amazing view.  As Jurgen says, it’s a place where you can literally see the roundness of the earth.

 I had a brandy and coke and sat with Spud in his bar with a view and really wanted to take a picture of this character of a man.  Later when I asked his permission he said fine, but only if he can do a sketch of me too.  So we had a deal.  I took a photo, which wasn’t brilliant and tried to sit still for him to sketch me.  Apparently I didn’t sit very still, cause he was very unhappy with the sketch he made and destroyed it afterwards.  I thought that I really tried to sit still but maybe the 180 degree view in front of me was a bit distracting…  Hopefully we’ll have another opportunity to improve on our art.

In the evening we went out to Bomvu Backpackers where they were having a nice big drum-circle, with even the backpackers staying there joining in.  I took my pois with, so had a good time twirling them around on the drum beats…

Yesterday not too much happened, drove to Ngcwanguba to get gas, went to the beach for a bit and met Sylvia and Pretty, who sang the National Anthem for me, then young Sakiwho who took us up a hill to see yet another stunning view of the breaking waves, then came back and started the fire… 

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