Tuesday, February 28, 2012

28022012, Reading Hut progress...

Well, the walls are finished and the door and window frames are in.  Still a lot of work ahead.  Next step is the roof, then the floor, the plastering and the leveling and trench-digging of the ground  around. Then only the finer details such as painting, glass in the windows and actual door.  And shelves for the books, chairs and lots more books...

Anyone interested in helping in any way, let me know!  Lavonnebosman@gmail.com

Some of the kids who live on the hill and who will benefit from the Reading Hut...

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful view! Of the hut and the coastline view....you must be so proud! Your first very own property! Very jealous I didnt get to stay or host last week this world famous photographer and missionary teacher! You are so fabulous girl!
