Sunday, February 5, 2012

050212, Sunday...just some news of the week...

02022012, Thursday, physical labour exercise...

It’s been raining almost all day.  Yesterday afternoon I went up to the hill to take some plastic sheets to cover most of the mud bricks.  Right now I’m pretty happy I went to all that trouble. 

It was quite a mission.  Those mud bricks can be deceptively heavy.  Lucy was there to help me and Vince soon pitched up on the quad.  Little RenĂ© was also there encouraging us by counting and telling us that if we work faster we’ll be the winners.  We had to move a lot of the bricks closer and stack some on top of others, to get the maximum amount under a sheet of 2 meter plastic.  Not sure how long we were doing that hard labour, but in the end I could hardly lift a brick anymore.  Today I’m so tired, I’m thankful for the rain so that I can rest a bit.  And my trees are getting free watering.  


A new week ahead.  I'm not going to work at the Christian school anymore.  They've changed my classes to 3 grades in one class and only one hour to teach a day and then things started to fall into place to start my pre-school, so now that's what I'm going to be doing!

I'm getting some new pupils for my pre-school this week.  Things are progressing a little bit fast and I'm trying to organize myself and get resources and everything together so I'll have somethings to keep the kids busy and make it fun for them and teach them some things...!

Building hasn't been making much progress this week, because of the rain, but I am very thankful for some nice big windows that got sponsored!  Thank you so much!

1 comment:

  1. I am sure those sponsored windows are Gods reward for buying and installing that nice big window for Lucy!
