Friday, October 12, 2012

121012, Friday night, windows without glass

Company on a walk...

My neighbors coming to check how the Reading Hut is progressing

Not going anywhere tonight because I’m car-less, so I’m just going to be stuck a bit in the evenings until I go to Cape Town again and get a new car.  My brother is going to look at some for me tomorrow so I pray God will open the right doors…

Been back just about a week now.  It has been a little strange so far.  While I was away I was somewhere reminded that rolling stones gather no moss.  In Cape Town I only saw a few friends and some of them literally for 5 minutes.  Back in Coffee Bay people tend to come and go so often that you just think you might be starting to build a friendship when those people are on their way again.  So I got back and felt like nobody in the world would even notice if I was there or not. 

Also I got rather frustrated by the fact that the Reading Hut’s progress is slower than a snail on an ice rink.  When I was away I got the message that the glass was finally put into the windows, but sadly when I got here I saw that it only got lost somewhere in translation.  So, still no windows!!!! I feel like I can scratch holes in my scalp. 

But still, God’s calm voice tells me to trust Him.  I thought that was what I’ve been doing and yet, after possibly 3 months, still the windows are not finished.  Whoever can stay patient this long over something so simple?  But I am thankful for a friend who could just give me some perspective again and I could almost see it.  God does have a plan.  What does it matter that it’s taking this long?  Even if it takes two years, it will get finished.  And in the meantime God is doing what really needs to be done.  Even though I might not know what exactly that is.  All good things come to those who wait.  Patience is apparently a very important virtue.

But I do know that things are happening.  Relationships are being built, even though much slower than I would hope for.  But in the end perhaps they are much more special.  Today Thobile didn’t pitch up for his class, so I went painting the Reading Hut walls a bit.  Then I took the afternoon off and went to see some people I haven’t for a long time.  I had a couple of special chats with a bunch of different people that God has brought across my path over the past year and a half.  And some of us have come a longer way than others and who knows what the future holds.  All I know is that I am thankful for what God is doing.  Today my cup runs over.

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