Saturday, November 3, 2012

031112, Windows of opportunity

After most things were on stand still and absolutely no progress being made for what feels like forever, at last something good.. Great!  The Reading Hut finally has glass in its windows!!!  And the door can close... 
At last it is a building that can close and you don't get blown away by the wind when you're inside.  The rain stopped and gave us the chance to get that glass in and this time everything worked out after some chiseling and chaffing .  Thank you mister Piet for all your help!

I suspect the birds that were making their nest on the roofpoles will be a bit disappointed when they return from their gathering outing and the dogs who jumped through the open window before will have to look for another shelter but as for me, I am pretty happy.  Praise God!

011112, Thursday. “It can’t rain all the time…”

Today it rained pretty much all day long apart from brief intervals of light drizzle.  It has literally been raining since I arrived here 3 weeks ago.  That’s at least half-way to 40 days and 40 nights.  At least I know God sent a rainbow and promised never to flood the whole world again like that.  Otherwise I might be getting slightly worried by now.

Today I was all by myself, except for Aquila’s little visits and slobbery hellos.  I did spend a lot of time on the internet and might have become addicted to Pinterest…  I really enjoyed looking for images I like and feel like I learnt a little bit about myself through it . What sort of things I like and and so on.   I would recommend it to anyone stuck in a small space for a day.  Provided you have internet…